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Life With Braces

Caring for Your Braces

After you begin wearing braces, you may need to make a few adjustments to your daily life. Taking care of your braces (and your smile) will ensure your treatment stays on track. We’ll go over everything you need to know at your consultation so you can get the most out of your treatment. To learn about our Thornton braces options or for more details on life with braces, schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Brandon Scheer by calling us at 303-452-7777.

Eating With Braces

Our Thornton braces patients are always curious about what to eat with braces. Well, when you first get your braces put on and following adjustments, your teeth can be a little sensitive. Sticking with soft foods for the first few days after getting braces will help with the discomfort. Some of the best soft foods for braces include mashed potatoes, smoothies, soup, pudding, ripe bananas, milkshakes, yogurt and applesauce.

Once you feel ready to tackle your normal diet again, you can still eat most of the foods you love. However, there are some foods to avoid with braces in order to prevent your appliance from being damaged.

The foods you can’t eat with braces include:
  • Chewy foods – such as bagels and licorice
  • Crunchy foods – such as popcorn, ice and chips
  • Sticky foods – such as caramel and chewing gum
  • Hard foods – such as nuts and hard candies
  • Foods that require biting into – such as corn on the cob (you can take it off the cob), raw carrots and uncut apples

Sports, Musical Instruments and Braces

You can still play sports and musical instruments while wearing braces. We recommend that you wear an athletic mouthguard to protect your teeth, gums and appliances during any sports or activities where you could get hit in the mouth. You may need to make a few adjustments while playing a musical instrument, but your braces should not cause any problems.

Soreness Caused by Braces and Appliances

Your teeth and mouth may feel tender or sore when you begin wearing braces. This should go away within a few days. Your lips, cheeks and tongue can also become irritated for the first few weeks while your mouth adjusts. Our orthodontist can provide you with wax to put over your braces to help relieve tenderness and discomfort. You may also take a mild pain reliever or try swishing with a saltwater rinse (a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water).

Take Care of Your Appliances

Damaged appliances increase the length of your treatment. Your teeth and jaw can only move into the proper positions when your appliances are in good condition and are worn consistently. Take good care of your appliances and wear your headgear, retainer, rubber bands or other appliances as directed.

Loose Teeth

Your teeth might feel a little loose as your treatment progresses. Don’t panic! This is normal and occurs because the teeth are shifting into place. Once your teeth have achieved their proper position, they will stop feeling loose.

Loose Wires and Bands

If the wires and bands on your braces come loose, call our Thornton orthodontics office immediately so that we can check your braces and make any needed repairs or adjustments. If a piece of your appliance breaks off, save the piece and bring it with you.